Sunday, July 10, 2011

Here used to be there

Hello!  This is my first post in Going To Seed, but not my first blog.  In fact, I was posting on a blog called the Moon-Randolph Homestead, which is where my family and I live.  We are caretakers on an original 1890's Montana homestead.  It is quite spectacular, and very much a part of our lives.  But, it isn't the only part of our lives, nor will it be part of our lives so directly forever; we will leave this place in a few short years.  So, I felt like starting over with this whole blog thing, with something that encompasses all of the different aspects of our lives.  There are so many!   

I make clothing, my husband makes silhouettes and turns them into animation, prints, nightlights, childrens' play things (at least for our children) and we care for this lovely homestead.  We have two young kids, boys Asa and Axel, three and six years old respectively, twenty-four chickens, a herd of sheep (temporarily, more on that later), and a cat named Licky.  I felt like I needed to represent all of that in my blog; things happening on and off the homestead.   

So, if you are a newcomer, welcome!  If you followed the Moon-Randolph Homestead blog, thanks for following me here!  I promise to be a consistent and (hopefully) interesting poster.  Our lives are busy, almost too busy; actually way too busy. Did I mention we run a kids clothing store?  So I have a lot of fodder to work with.

My hope and dream is to use this space as a memory catcher because I really want to remember how Axel says lank you instead of thank you, or how right now this very instant I am looking out my window on a cooler July morning and seeing this:

Instances vanish into years, years vanish into decades, and before we know it so much life has happened.  I'm trying to slow it down, if only just a little, by taking notice of what is taking place in front of my eyes.  Right now.  I hope you decide to join me, by visiting often.

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